Sorry, Pathways Into Darkness does not run on a write-protected volume. Please copy the Pathways Demo folder to your hard drive and try again. Your “Saved Games” file was corrupted but has been repaired. Unfortunately, one or more saved games may have been lost in the process. We apologize for the inconvenience. Sorry, Pathways Into Darkness couldn’t allocate three sound channels (some may be in use by other applications). There will only be one-channel sound. Sorry, Pathways Into Darkness couldn’t allocate any sound channels (they may be in use by other applications). There will be no sound. Sorry, that player is out of date and can’t be used with this version of Pathways Into Darkness. Please be sure the files “Maps”, “Shapes”, and “Sounds” are in the same folder as the Pathways Into Darkness application and try again. Your “Maps” file appears to be corrupted or otherwise unreadable. Sorry, either the volume containing the “Saved Games” file or the “Saved Games” file itself is locked. Please unlock the volume or file and try again. Pathways was unable to create a “Saved Games” file. At least 300k of free hard disk space is required. The disk containing your “Saved Games” file is too full to complete the requested action. Free some space and try again. Sorry, some sort of disk error occurred while accessing your “Saved Games” file. Pathways Into Darkness only works in 256 colors or grays. Please reset your monitor. Sorry, Pathways Into Darkness requires a monitor which can be set to 256 colors or grays. Sorry, Pathways Into Darkness requires at least 2000k of free RAM. Sorry, Pathways Into Darkness requires System Software 6.0.5 or higher. Sorry, Pathways Into Darkness requires Color QuickDraw. Sorry, Pathways Into Darkness requires a 68020 processor or higher.